Billy Foster

WLF Music

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Christmas Musicals

by John Hunter, Billy Foster and Joyce Singleton

Our Christmas musicals were written by three elementary teachers. These plays have been written on personal computers and are not professionally bound but are of the highest quality otherwise. Our prices are reflective of this.

For nearly 20 years JBJ Productions has produced original Christmas musicals for children ages 9-12 in the Gary, Indiana public schools. Our musicals are written with the urban setting in mind. In our musicals we create situations our students may encounter, especially during the Christmas season. Each play teaches a life lesson in the grand Christmas spirit of caring, sharing, loving and giving. Humor and wit are used to capture and hold the attention of our audiences.

*The Christmas Imp
*Grace's Christmas
*The Best Christmas Ever
*The Magic Christmas Tree

Each play includes one copy of the script, one compete copy of the piano score, one word sheet for each song, staging and acting suggestions.

The purchase of a musical allows the purchaser to reproduce a maximum of 15 copies of the dialogue and maximum of 35 copies of the song lyrics.


Billy Foster Trio Billy Foster Jazz Zone Gallery Guest Book Jazz Charts Christmas Musicals
Equistar Records Teaching Info Press kit Contact us Links Songs For Children
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